Day 57 - May 12, 2008
Today we started our touring first with a visit to Jerome, AZ. This little town was a pleasant little surprise. We had a great lunch at a little restaurant called Grapes. Then it was on to more Sedona stops. We are still taking a rest from hiking as Frank's Bright Angel trail hike has really taken its toll. His poor feet have blisters and his two big toe nails are black.
Jerome, AZ - what an amazing little town. This once was a thriving mining town. However, when the copper mine closed in 1953 it became a ghost town. Now is it revitalized with shops, galleries, studios and museums, some of which housed former brothels and saloons. This town came highly recommended by an Iowan couple we met in Utah. I am so glad we went to see this little unique town. 
Montezuma Castle National Monument - ruins of an early cliff dwelling. Built in the 12th and 13th centuries, it is among the best preserved dwellings of its type. The five-story castle, believed to be inhabited by Sinagua Indians, contains 20 rooms and was once accessible only by ladders.
Courthouse Butte rock formation in Sedona, AZ
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