Day 137 - July 31, 2008
Today is a very special day for us - it is the birthday of our eldest daughter Carrie. Happy Birthday to you Carrie. We will be nice and not tell your age (of course telling your age makes us feel very old, so it serves us well to keep a tight lip).
Today we got a late start as we tried to update the blog from yesterday in the morning. We have discovered that the wifi in the campground is only as good as the number of people who are trying to use it. So, the evening hours are a frustrating time of continually being bumped off. It is much better to access in the morning or very late at night.
We saw many really neat things today on the eastern side of the park. I think you will agree from the pictures below.
This is the fire to the east of Fishing Bridge. It was started by a downed power line fueled by the winds. Since it was not a natural fire, they are trying to put it out. However, it is not even to the point of being contained. Thank goodness it is not in an area where there are buildings or people. The only consequence we are suffering is a blocked road. 
We searched high and low today along some mighty dusty dirt roads in search of a bear and this is all we saw. Check out the little black dot in the middle of the picture. I guess we can be thankful we didn't run across one on a hiking trail. 
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