Day 106 - June 30, 2008
Today we had a marvelous day at Mt. Olympic National Park. We did not plan to spend so much time here but we decided to make the investment in a hike up Hurricane Hill. I think you will agree that is was well worth it. Then we traveled to Cape Flattery and I will let you surmise our demise from the pictures below.
Mt. Olympic and the Carrie Glacier at slightly right. How about that?
Can you believe this - June 30th and we are hiking in the snow in shorts (corduroy OP's at that)
I felt like we were hiking in the Swiss Alps. I was moved to have Frank take this picture. Note that I am Julie Andrews (ok use your imagination) and this is - "The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music".
This picture is for Scot Norton. In this National Park the deer are so tame they don't run from you. 
WE climbed to the summit of Hurricane Hill. For Frank that was a piece of cake by for me it was quite an accomplishment - my biggest change of elevation hike (700'). Oh my gracious but was it worth it. I cannot begin to tell you how full my heart is to be able to experience this great country of ours.
See the two elongated black dots. Well hold onto your socks - those are black bear.
We travelled 60 miles to Cape Flattery (the north western most point in the contiguous US) only to find it was fogged is. So we are substituting this picture we took a few miles away as our evidence that we have traveled to the further est NW point, furtherest SW (Chula Vista), and our prior visits to Key West (SE furtherest point). Next year we hope to have a picture of the NE furtherest point in the stock market cooperates. 
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