Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 118 - July 12, 2008
Today Frank decided to commune with nature again so I soloed with my touring. I went on a great tour of the Dworshak Fish Hatchery which is the largest in the world. I learned all about the spawning and life cycle of the salmon and steehhead trout. It was extremely interesting. Then I drove down to the Clearwater River to Lewis and Clark's Canoe camp. They made a stop here and met up with the Nez Perce Indians who were extremely helpful in providing food and a simpler way to construct a canoe.
As mentioned in the July 10th post, I am sitting in the parking lot of the Best Western so I can get wifi.
I kind of messed up the July 11th post and somehow posted it when I thought I was getting ready to write the narrative. So here goes the narrative for the July 11th post.
This was a solo touring day as Frank did not want to travel down the mountain again. I went to the Dworshak Dam and saw some great exhibits, films and had a great tour of the dam. Then I went on to visit the Clearwater Museum which had several artifacts concerning Lewis and Clark and the Nez Perce Indians. Then a trip to the grocery store followed by a great campfire.

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