Day 146 - August 9, 2008
Today is another very special day for our family. Janet Franklin (Frank's sister) celebrates her birthday. Happy Birthday Janet!!!
Well, this is our last day of touring. I didn't feel strong enough to hike so we elected to do a driving tour. We started with a stop at the Jackson Lake Lodge. I thought we were at Disney World. This was really classy and had all sorts of high end shops. The interior was more on the contemporary side. Then it was on to a drive up Signal Mountain with more incredible sights. Next was a delightful visit at Jenny Lake Lodge (see below). We took a scenic drive to Jenny Lake, the Cathedral Group and the Marina but a storm was heading in so the pictures were not very good. I guess the weather knew it was our last day of "The Big Adventure" so it was going to shed a few tears too.
Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Jenny Lake Lodge. Although small, this was the one with the most charm. Their restaurant is 5 star and their wine cellar is among the best in the state. You must have reservations and it is coat and tie. Pretty different for a National Park. The price for a room here is $550 a night for two people but it does include breakfast, dinner, horseback riding and use of bicycles. If you need an extra special place for an extra special occasion, this is it. 
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